My parents aren’t anti-video game. Never have been. The only reason I wasn’t allowed to have most things the kids in the 2010s could have was because they thought I would get addicted or too drawn in to focus on life. At an early age, I wasn’t even allowed to have pencils, pens or crayons in my room. Why? Because they always thought I’d draw in the walls or something despite knowing better.
Wasn’t until I was in second grade when I got a pre-owned Nintendo DS lite from my older cousin for Christmas that came with a few games. I had that DS for the majority of my life and I still remember the night one of the hinges broke off as I was playing LEGO Batman 2. That was a few years ago. I still have that DS in my current home. I bought a DSi and a small 3DS a few years back in order to enhance the old experiences and try getting better ones with the 3DS.
I remember seeing all the kids with their 3DSs and I was like “why can’t my parents get me one of those?”. Even years later before any of this happened, they still wouldn’t let me have this kind of stuff. No Xbox, no PlayStation, no nothing. Naiveness was bliss for the time I suppose, but now I get to make my own decisions.
I hate how my childhood was, not just because of the lack of video games, but I also have to appreciate that it might’ve saved me from something more horrible. I wasn’t all that internet savvy up until back in 2019, and that was probably for the best.
I’m rambling and going different directions now, huh? I got an Xbox One last month and I’ve been playing it a little bit each day. Handy for watching movies too.
Here’s my downloaded content from discs so far:
First off: You got a pretty cool game library! Second off: For me, my childhood was kinda the opposite, I had a PS4 and WiiU growing up and over the course of my life a bunch of my relatives gave me their older consoles, like a Game Boy and a DS.
(A friend of mine even helped me home brew my DS).
In retrospect, It was a cool time for me but It made my attention span very low because I was always thinking about games and consoles all day. Thankfully I sorta recovered.