Computer (AKA the whole shit pile) has finally stopped getting updates. Need to get a new one. Suggestions? I'm thinking of a Dell laptop.
Coming back to the fresh soil.
Joined on 3/7/21
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - 2 days ago
Computer (AKA the whole shit pile) has finally stopped getting updates. Need to get a new one. Suggestions? I'm thinking of a Dell laptop.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - 5 days ago
I got a DVD of Terminator 2 today and watched that film for the second time. Just as good as I remember it. I appreciate Robert Patrick's role even more now. I kinda wish he got more screen-time still.
I would like to also say that these photos from the film are fucking haunting. There's just something about them that screams... Actually, I shouldn't say it. Just take a look:
It would've been more creepy if they were actually taken from the actual first film. You can tell they're different cuz of Arnie's hairstyle and probably his overcoat.
Another thing, the T-800 was more of a slasher in the first film than John's hacked model in the second one. Well, I guess that makes sense.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - 7 days ago
Leaving this friend anonymous, who I shall refer to by "John" as a code name.
My friend John contacted me today via Discord to talk about something. They told me they stumbled across something horrendous that scared them. Briefly mentioned that it was snuff. Didn't send me a link nor screenshot proof. On all platforms where they found it, it was DeviantArt. I'm honestly not surprised. I once found a picture of a dead guy on there and John's story kinda matched up with how I found that image. John said the user also uploaded uncensored NSFW, which is pretty bad on it's own, but not the biggest deal.
What else isn't much of a big deal is freaking out over accidentally stumbling across a picture of a dead body. I mean, it's the fucking internet. There's gonna be edgy trolls out there who'll upload the most horrific things out there to ruin anyone's day when they find it. Could be a person getting shot, could be a picture of someone's face surgically peeled off (God I've accidentally stumbled across that before), could be something just insanely disgusting. In the end, these things happen. Some people say those who upload this kind of stuff are disturbed people, but I don't believe that for half a second.
These people aren't disturbed, they're attention seekers who have horrible taste, and they know it. They get off to that kind of stuff. Just to make anyone passing by's day worse. Maybe even longer. I honestly kinda wonder what these people's irl lives are like. I bet they have stable jobs in reality, I dunno about you.
DeviantArt dead bodies, everyone.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - 2 weeks ago
I don't exactly know why people don't like that game. It's a good game. Different direction? Sure. What else am I supposed to say?
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - 1 month ago
Most of this media I've found comes from videos I watched, games I've played, memes I've seen, ETC. Heck, you might even recognize a few of them that aren't so well known. Truly cool stuff.
More stuff's gonna be added in the future from time to time.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - January 26th, 2025
First of all, LOVE this Moonside stuff going on in the background as I post this (I FREAKING LOVE EARTHBOUND!!!!!!), but second, that's right! I'm returning!
Newgrounds all the way, bro! WOO!
I'll make an update in the future probably.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - January 21st, 2025
I said before that I'm not really a fan of my old art, and my old PFP, to me at least looked too stupid. I think my previous one before that was okay, so I really had no reason to change it. Now I'm going more for a more wacky and edited type PFP, and you know what? I like it. Way better in my eyes and doesn't look like an eyesore to other people.
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - January 6th, 2025
Staying up past the time I should rn. It's practically midnight where I'm at and I got work the next day. But y'know? I'd like to talk about a few things.
It's only been a few months since I've posted up some art, but during this time, I've come to kinda realize something. I don't really like my art. Now that's not gonna stop me from making it, but I honestly miss doing traditional drawing on paper. Number one, it's much more efficient than spending time on a website that has popup ads that get in your way and number two, the computer I have is a piece of fuckin' garbage, so it takes longer to draw stuff than it really should.
Now, you can say "why not get a new computer?" and to answer that, I'm unfortunately not in the position to get another one. I'm starting to move out and the costs to get a new computer would mess up the process and get in the way of home expenses, which I'm not affording. My computer I have right now is so slow that I'm surprised it still functions. One of my shift keys are practically busted and my computer looks like a nightmare overall. The only thing I can do is write on it, which is good because of the fanfics I'm putting together. Tho if the one shift key wouldn't feel so... Idk, then it would be perfect.
This isn't your standard computer btw, it's practically less than one. I don't wanna say what kind it is because it's honestly too embarrassing, so sorry about that. I wanna take up on doing digital drawing instead of pixel art, but again, home expenses on the way and shit, so it's a no go.
Last year was one of my most rocky years, and it's not because of irl life struggles (besides my job), but because of other things that put life at risk. I won't go in major details here, but I met someone that same year who hurt me in ways I don't want to recount. They're a terrible human being and anyone who's supported that effer in the past should probably retract their opinion on them. They've recently apologized, but the apology was lackluster. I can tell you that they're not sorry that they hurt me, but sorry they fucked themselves in the ass. Internet stalker basically, watching my every move. It's creepy and gross. I have a feeling they'll just come back and do the same shit, which wouldn't surprise me.
And if you're reading this, stalker, I will always know what you did and I will never fucking forgive you for the pain you put me through. I hope you rot.
I still miss posting online and sometimes I feel like I should just completely transfer over to Newgrounds with art, but I'm shooting down that idea still. Now, when I do come back, don't expect a quality change. My quality is still garbage as ever. Hand drawn art, not as garbage as you'd expect, but not masterpieces. If I had better lighting and stuff, it could stand out more. But I don't have that, and neither does my new place I'm moving into (I'm pretty sure the lighting will be worse actually).
I was gonna mainly shift my focus over towards making interesting rotoscope art and make small posters and scenes from my fanfics and just other wholesome art pieces, which comforts me. I made this one drawing of Blaze and Silver looking out into the sky with an actual background to it, which is what I wanna aim for now instead of using dull colors as background pieces, just so I have an excuse to upload less.
And that's the thing about me. I feel like I have an obligation to do this stuff, when I really don't. And it's been like that for as long as I've been here on this platform. But that's hopefully gonna change once I'm back. Again, quality will remain garbage, but simple homemade backgrounds will come into play to make it more atheistic.
Hopefully life steers me in the right direction and I can pursue the things I wanna do. I'd like to thank all of you who read up to this point and maybe I'll have a new news post up on this page in about a month.
Have a good day/night. :3
Posted by SuperNaturalBoden - October 1st, 2024
Heads up, life changing events are in place.
I have good news and bad news. Good news is that I have a new job. Bad news is that this will fuck around with my uploading schedule and other things.
I may or may not be uploading less because of this new job, as I’ll be working eight hours a day for four days a week as far as I’ve been told.
Not only that, but I have some other things that’ll be happening in the near future this month. I don’t wanna necessarily talk about that though (it’s nothing bad btw, I just don’t wanna say anything, lol).
I was planning on doing Inktober this year, but it looks like I won’t be doing it because of more important things.
Another thing, this will also mess with my schedule with writing fanfiction, so I’m most likely gonna write less and have small delays when writing (sorry, Toshi).
I need money and I need better experience in the real world. I don’t wanna be a hermit or a neak and live off of my parents for the rest of my life, because that’s fucking stupid and scummy.
I apologize that this is all coming out of the blue, but yeah. I won’t be active for most of the day online because of work.
Here’s to a better and brighter future ahead in my life 🥂
Stay safe and keep that chin up, y’all. And of course, Stay Natural.
God bless.